International Museum Day

Happy International Museum Day! Today, we acknowledge the important role museums play in preserving and sharing out cultural heritage. At Feilden+Mawson, we are proud to contribute to this mission through our work in architectural conservation and adaptive reuse. 

The Mo, Sheringham

Feilden+Mawson worked to remodel and extend an existing building to create a museum incorporating the four original Sheringham lifeboats. With exhibits from the Sheringham Museum, including displays of some original shop fronts and interiors, the Mo also incorporates exhibition and teaching spaces. This volunteer-run museum continues to delight visitors from across the UK, sharing the stories of this beautiful seaside town.

Norwich Castle Keep 

We are proud to be architects of the ongoing renovation of Norwich Castle, to give an enhanced visitor experience to the long-standing museum. The complex refurbishment of the Grade I Listed Norman palace will improve inclusive access to the historic space, allowing members of the public to interact and engage with the site and its history.